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10 Hr Worker SST Training course (English)
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8 Hour Fall Prevention SST Course - INTRODUCTION
Fall Prevention DoB
Learning Objectives (0:49)
Important Disclaimer (0:12)
Instruction Outline (0:21)
SECTION 1: Fall-Related Statistics
Section 1: Fall-Related Statistics (0:12)
Trending OSHA Fatalities (0:14)
NYC Injuries and Fatalities (0:17)
NYC Injuries and Fatalities (0:10)
Fall from Various Heights (0:18)
Where Fatal Falls Occur (0:10)
2017 OSHA Frequent Citations (0:13)
VIDEO: Statistics, CBS New York April 29th, 2019 (2:33)
Section 1: QUIZ
Tech Support
SECTION 2: Key Definitions, Terms & Concepts
Section 2.1: Key Definitions, Terms & Concepts- INTRODUCTION (0:13)
Who is responsible for you at work? (0:19)
Employer duties associated with falls (0:17)
Different Types of Employers (0:20)
Different Types of Employers (0:30)
VIDEO: Multi-Employer Coordination (2:56)
Competent Person (0:27)
Competent Person - OSHA's definition (0:22)
Leadership characteristics of a Competent Person (0:15)
Competent Person- Fall Protection Duties (0:28)
Competent Person- Fall Protection Duties (0:11)
Qualified Person (0:17)
Qualified Person- examples of when they are needed (0:10)
VIDEO: Competent vs. Qualified Person (4:12)
Duties within a Multi-employer job site (0:15)
Leadership within Multi-employer job site (0:14)
OSHA and Management Leadership (0:13)
OSHA and Communication and Coordination (0:10)
OSHA and Communication and Coordination (0:24)
General Conditions in charge of the Controlling Employer (0:12)
Hazards and Controls. (0:30)
What is a Job Hazard Analysis (0:20)
Example of a JHA (0:29)
JHA- Game (0:10)
JHA- Changing a flat tire (0:05)
JHA- Changing a flat tire TOTAL SCORE (0:15)
VIDEO: Job Hazard Analysis (4:43)
Exercise: Let's see which is the best protection. (0:33)
Simplified Hazards and Controls (0:15)
Hard Hat (0:05)
Horizontal Nets (0:06)
Horizontal Netting- Chapter 33 Building Code (0:19)
Vertical Nets (0:11)
Vertical Nets- Chapter 33 Building Code (0:17)
Control Access Zone (0:06)
Competent Person Scaffold Inspection (0:04)
Prefabrication (0:05)
Housekeeping (0:11)
Retractable Lifelines (0:08)
PPE (0:11)
PPE information (0:10)
Section 2.1: QUIZ
Tech Support
SECTION 2: Key Definitions, Terms & Concepts Cont.
Section 2.2: Key Definitions, Terms & Concepts- APPLICABLE Standards (0:13)
OSHA- Fall Prevention Applicable Standards (0:12)
OSHA- Fall Protection height (0:12)
NYC Chapter 33- Height (0:12)
Have you seen something that's not right? (0:09)
PFAS (0:34)
VIDEO: How to properly put on a safety harness. (3:07)
What's wrong with this picture? (0:06)
Fall Prevention- Training (0:09)
Deceleration Device (0:20)
Deceleration Distance (0:14)
Total Fall Distance (0:14)
VIDEO: Calculating Your Fall Clearance Distance- adapted (2:33)
Leading Edge (0:17)
PFAS Connectors (0:09)
Snap hook engagement (0:14)
Compatibility with PFAS equipment (1:00)
OSHA- Fall Protection Violations (0:16)
OSHA- Effective Control Measures. (0:19)
OSHA- Good Work Practices (0:20)
CAZ (0:17)
CAZ and Leading Edge (0:15)
CAZ- Down Netting Situations (0:21)
CAZ- Temporary Removal of Netting (0:09)
Fall Restraint (0:21)
Dangerous Equipments (0:12)
Dangerous Equipment Controls (0:10)
Falls to the same level (0:09)
Falls to the same level (0:15)
Changes in horizontal surfaces (0:10)
Changes in Horizontal Surfaces (0:12)
Stair-rails (0:09)
What's wrong with this picture? (0:15)
Score of the Hazard Controls (0:15)
Which control is better than the others? (0:08)
Positioning System (0:27)
Using a Positioning System (0:12)
Using a Positioning System- What's wrong here? (0:07)
Importance of House Keeping (0:15)
Struck by a Falling Object in NJ (0:09)
VIDEO: Man Killed By Measuring Tape, Nov 3 2014 (1:49)
Struck-by Falling Objects (0:15)
VIDEO: Falling Objects Impact- 20 feet vs 30 feet (0:52)
Secureness of Reshores (0:09)
Fall Plan (0:20)
Wall Openings (0:16)
Low sloped roof (0:13)
Steep roof slopes (0:06)
Slopped roofs Pitch (0:12)
Overhand Bricklaying (0:08)
Walking / Working Surfaces (OSHA) (0:18)
Walkable Floors: Concrete Construction (0:07)
Walkable? (0:05)
Walkable? (0:15)
Walkable? (0:15)
Walkable Floors: Precast Concrete (0:14)
Walkable Floor: Steel Construction (0:12)
Working Deck: Concrete Construction (0:07)
Working Deck: Demolition (0:07)
Working Deck: Precast Concrete Construction (0:09)
Working Deck: Steel Construction (0:10)
Holes in Construction (0:11)
Holes OSHA (0:17)
Holes in Construction (0:07)
Holes in Construction (0:15)
Holes in Construction (0:15)
Holes and Housekeeping in Construction (0:15)
Sustained Winds and Gusts (0:09)
Warning Lines (0:12)
Fall Protection: Hoist Areas (0:08)
Ramps, Runways and other Walkways (0:11)
Protection from Falling Objects (0:15)
VIDEO: 6 common problems with Fall Protection Equipment (4:48)
Certificate of Training in Fall Prevention (0:14)
Retraining (0:13)
Retraining (0:16)
Section 2.2: QUIZ
Tech Support
SECTION 3: The Nature of Gravity
Section 3: The Nature of Gravity (0:09)
Newton's Three Laws (0:27)
Weight and Mass (0:27)
Force = Mass x Acceleration (0:40)
Force = Mass x Acceleration (0:18)
Force = Mass x Acceleration (0:25)
Impact Force (0:25)
Impact Force Calculator (0:27)
Acceleration (0:21)
OSHA's Definition of Free Fall (0:31)
Acceleration (0:26)
VIDEO: Newton's Second Law of Motion (3:11)
Angle Tension Force (0:10)
Angle Tension Force (0:21)
Contact Forces in Tension (0:16)
Section 3: Quiz
Tech Support
SECTION 4: Fall Controls
Section 4: Fall Controls (0:06)
PFAS: Improper Anchorage (0:28)
PFAS: Improper Anchorage (0:34)
Guardrail System (0:20)
Guardrail System: Height (0:12)
Guardrail System: Required Strength (0:21)
Unenclosed Perimeter Protection: NYC DoB Chapter 33 (0:50)
Unenclosed Perimeter Protection: NYC DoB Chapter 33 (0:23)
Unenclosed Perimeter Protection: Exceptions (0:17)
Is there a hazard? (0:14)
Unenclosed Perimeter Protection: Deflection (0:16)
VIDEO: Guardrails (5:27)
PFAS: Anchorage Devices (0:15)
Limited Access Zones (0:13)
Self Retracting Lifelines (0:38)
Self Retracting Lifeline: Pendulum Effect (0:24)
VIDEO: Self Retracting Devices, Swing Fall and Clearance (4:52)
PFAS (0:19)
PFAS: Rescue Plan (0:19)
PFAS: Rescue Plan (0:22)
PFAS: Suspension Trauma (0:22)
PFAS: Suspension Trauma (0:29)
PFAS: Suspension Trauma Relief (0:38)
VIDEO: Work at Height - Emergency Rescue (5:15)
Competent Person (0:25)
PPE is for everyone! (0:10)
Self Retracting Vertical Lifelines (0:19)
Self Retracting Vertical Lifelines (0:10)
Inspect your equipment (0:10)
PFAS: Multiple tie-offs (0:13)
Is there a hazard? (0:12)
Is there a Hazard? (0:11)
Is there a Hazard? (0:15)
Is there a Hazard? (0:15)
Is there a Hazard? (0:15)
VIDEO: Falls, Workplace Injuries, Deaths, Accidents, Fatality (3:18)
Section 4: Quiz
Tech Support
SECTION 5: Steel Erection
Section 5: Steel Erection (0:05)
Steel Erection: Fall Protection (0:15)
Fall Protection: Yesterday vs Today (0:09)
VIDEO: 100% Tie-off (1:53)
Controlled Decking Zone (0:07)
Controlled Decking Zone (0:15)
Controlled Decking Zone (0:15)
Fall Protection: Code (0:45)
Controlled Decking Zone (0:11)
Controlled Decking Zone: Code (0:15)
Controlled Decking Zone: Code (0:27)
Controlled Decking Zone (0:19)
Improper Guarding (0:15)
Falling Objects (0:17)
Holes (0:14)
VIDEO: Take Pride in Your Job: Fall Protection NIOSH (10:03)
Section 5: Quiz
Tech Support
SECTION 6: Stairs and Ladders
Section 6: Stairs and Ladders (0:05)
Stairs and Ladders: Subpart X Overview (0:24)
Stairs and Ladders: Inspection (0:12)
Stairs and Ladders: Angle (0:19)
Ladder Angle (0:10)
VIDEO: Proper Ladder Angles. (0:52)
Stairs and Ladders: Job-made Ladders (0:18)
Stairs and Ladders: 3 point contact (0:19)
Stairs and Ladders: Step Ladder use (0:07)
Stairs and Ladders: Hazard Recognition (0:15)
Stairs and Ladders: Hazard Recognition (0:15)
Stairs: Code (0:19)
Stairs: Code (0:14)
Stairs: Hazard Recognition (0:15)
Stairs: Code (0:15)
Stairs: Code (0:15)
VIDEO: Ladder Hazards | Fall Protection, Safety, Hazards, Training, Oregon OSHA (3:23)
Section 6: Quiz
Tech Support
SECTION 7: Scaffolds
Section 7: Scaffolds (0:06)
Scaffolds and Competent Persons (0:27)
Scaffolds and Qualified Persons (0:15)
Scaffolds- Height (0:21)
VIDEO: Scaffold erectors and dismantlers (2:29)
Scaffolds: Codes (0:14)
Scaffolds: supervision of CP (0:15)
Scaffold: Tie off (0:13)
Scaffolds: Mobile (0:10)
Scaffold: Ariel Lift Codes (0:16)
Scaffold: Inspection (0:10)
Scaffold: Plumb, Level and Load (0:15)
Scaffold: Planks (0:25)
Scaffold: Prohibition (0:14)
Anatomy of Suspended Scaffold (0:23)
Scaffold: Vertical Lifelines and Lanyards (0:14)
VIDEO: Scaffolding Safety (15:45)
Section 7: Quiz
Tech Support
SECTION 8: Excavations
Section 8: Excavations (0:06)
Excavations- Fall Protection Height (0:16)
VIDEO: Woman Falls Into Sidewalk Hole (0:44)
Excavations- Fall Protection not seen (0:14)
VIDEO: Construction Worker Falls in a Trench (1:28)
Section 8: Quiz
Tech Support
SECTION 9: Lessons Learned and Review
SECTION 9: Lessons Learned and Review
Fatal Incident #1- RESULTS
Fatal Incident #2- RESULTS
Fatal Incident #3- RESULTS
Fatal Incident #4- RESULTS
Fatal Incident #5- RESULTS
VIDEO: ABC's of Fall Protection (9:59)
Review 1- Types of Employers (0:15)
Review 2-Fall Certification (0:15)
Review 3- Holes in Construction (0:15)
Review 4- Excavation (0:15)
Review 5- Falls in 29 CFR 1926 (0:15)
Review 6- Height Requirements (0:15)
Review 7- Fall Distance (0:15)
Review 8- Unenclosed Perimeter (0:15)
Review 9- Guardrail
Review 10- Gravity (0:15)
Review 11- Scaffolds (0:15)
Review 12- Fall Plan
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SECTION 10: Knowledge Evaluation
SECTION 10: Knowledge Evaluation
SECTION 11: Final Considerations
Section 11: Final Considerations
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Course Evaluation
2 Hour Drug & Alcohol SST Awareness Course - INTRO
DOB (0:09)
SECTION ONE: Substance Use Disorders
SECTION ONE: Intro (0:19)
What are substance use disorders? (0:27)
What is a drug? (0:46)
What is meant by an addiction? (0:44)
Substance use disorders: By the Numbers
Substance use disorders: Happen to 'Normal' People (0:36)
Misconceptions about addiction (0:42)
Illict Use of Drugs
Addictive Behavior (0:29)
Tech Support
SECTION TWO: Drug & Alcohol Statistics
SECTION TWO: Intro (0:20)
Statistics: NYC Substance Abuse Disorders (0:27)
Statistics: Misues of Prescription Opiod Subtypes (0:19)
Statistics: Fentanyl (0:45)
Are Substance Use Disorders as bad as war? (0:23)
Overdose Deaths: Rising at an Alarming Rate (0:26)
Overdose Deaths: In the US by Substance Type (0:04)
Overdose Deaths: Male & Female (all drugs) (0:35)
Overdose Deaths: Male & Female - Other Synthetic Opioids (0:25)
Substance Use Disorders: In the Construction Industry (0:33)
Statistics: Substance Use Disorders (0:23)
Statistics:Substance Use Disorders cont. pt1 (0:20)
Statistics: Substance Use Disorders cont. pt2 (0:17)
Statistics: Substance Use Disorders cont. pt4
Misused Prescription Pain Relievers (0:45)
Tech Support
SECTION THREE: Drug & Alcohol Use in the Construction Industry and its Impact and Effects
Impaired on construction sites (0:26)
Substance use disorders (0:31)
Substance use disorders cont. (0:19)
VIDEO- No place for drugs and Alcohol (1:53)
Tech Support
SECTION FOUR: Consequences of Addiction on the Human Body
Consequences of Addiction (0:35)
Consequences of Addiction: HIV/AIDS (1:13)
Consequences of Addiction: Hepatitis B and C (0:56)
Consequences of Addiction: Stroke and Heart Attack (0:33)
Consequences of Addiction: Violence and Abuse (0:28)
Consequences of Addiction: Problems at Work at Home and Criminal Incarcerations (0:20)
Commonly Abused Drugs (0:21)
Commonly Abused Drugs cont. (0:29)
Commonly Abused Drugs - Methamphetamines (0:26)
Commonly Abused Drugs - Heroin (0:20)
Commonly Abused Drugs (0:26)
Commonly Abused Drugs - Alcohol (0:25)
One More Consequence (0:20)
Tech Support
SECTION FIVE: Alcohol Use and Its Effects on the Human Body
Alcohol (0:30)
Alcohol cont. (0:25)
Alcohol - Impairment (0:18)
Alcohol - Impairment Effect and Impact (0:50)
Alcohol: Impairment Effect and Impact Chart (0:21)
Tech Support
SECTION SIX: Prevention and Control of Drugs and Alcohol
Drugs, Alcohol, the Brain & Our Behavior: The Science of Addiction (0:11)
Addictions: Behavior & Chemical (0:26)
Addictions: Behavior & Chemical (0:22)
How do drugs effect the brain? pt1 (0:23)
How do drugs effect the brain? pt2 (0:22)
How do drugs effect the brain? pt3 (0:34)
How do drugs effect the brain? pt4 (0:20)
How do drugs effect the brain? pt5
Addiction: Disease of the brain pt1 (0:21)
Addiction: Disease of the brain pt2 (0:36)
Addiction: Disease of the brain pt3 (0:36)
Addiction: Disease of the brain pt3 (0:19)
Addiction: Disease of the brain pt5 (0:27)
VIDEO: Brain Reward: Understanding How the Brain responds to Natural Rewards and Drugs of Abuse (9:11)
Tech Support
How can we help ourselves and help those we care about? (0:08)
Steps to avoid addiction & addictive behaviors pt1 (0:31)
Steps to avoid addiction & addictive behaviors pt2 (0:30)
Heroin Overdose Treatment (0:26)
Mixing or Leaving Unused Drugs can be Deadly (0:24)
Tech Support
SECTION SEVEN: How can you help not becoming a victim to drug and alcohol dependency?
Resources Pt1 (0:09)
Resources Pt2 (0:13)
Resources Pt3 (0:10)
Resources Pt4
Resources Pt5 (0:08)
Tech Support
Tech Support
Course Evaluation
SECTION 10: Knowledge Evaluation
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