To renew SST cards, workers must complete eight hours of refresher training by completing the following course programs:                    

  • 4 hr Fall Prevention                               
  • 4 hr Supported Scaffold

 Local Law 196 of 2017 Information Local Law 196 of 2017 requires workers and supervisors at large construction sites (specifically sites that must designate a Construction Superintendent, Site Safety Manager, or Site Safety Coordinator) to complete safety training and obtain Department-approved site safety training (SST) cards. Under the law, SST cards expire after 5 years and can be renewed only after site safety training refresher courses are completed. A May 2018 Service Notice announced training requirements for new SST cards and SST card renewals. The first SST cards were issued in May 2018 and will begin expiring this year. In addition to the card-renewal coursework announced in May 2018, the Department has created new refresher training pathways for workers and supervisors, as described above. NOTE: It is not necessary for workers or supervisors to retake full OSHA training courses; the refresher training pathways fully meet the requirements for card renewals.

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